If you are a coffee drinker and have not tried Just Love Coffee, you are missing out.  It is hand roasted in small batches in Murfreesboro, Tennessee using the best grade beans you can buy... all organic and shade grown!  What does that all mean?  It means you will not taste any bitterness or have any nasty after-taste that most coffee will give you including Starbucks.  With all that said, when you purchase a bag, you will help Erin and I get closer to our adopted child.  For every bag purchased, we receive $5!  The owner of Just Love adopted two siblings from Ethiopia and has such a heart for adoption and helping others achieve their fundraising goals.  We have become very close to Just Love not only by producing their promotional videos but also spending time getting to know the wonderful staff and all the love that they give to the coffee and families they help.  Don't just support us but support this company and all the efforts they are making toward orphans.        

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