Anyone who knows Bradford knows how much he loves animals.  Even though I'm not a huge fan of most of these creatures, I love that he loves nature so much and will always allow him to explore and discover new creatures. Bradford has been really wanting to catch a frog for a while now.  So when he and Daddy went swimming last week he caught his first frog and named him Hoppy the Frog.  Did I mention he caught another one a couple of days later? Yeah, me!!  We are now feeding them LIVE crickets.  

Bradford is so excited to be a big brother!  He wanted to put the diaper and pajamas on his new doll, a friend loaned us, all by himself.  I must say he did a pretty good job!

I am so proud of my little man!! Bradford went from not wanting water splashed on him to swimming under water with and without his mask. Swimming is a whole new world to him! Since these pictures he has also been taking his swim vest off  and swimming from Mommy to Daddy. He will swim about 3-4 feet by himself now.  The only problem is I can't keep him out of the water. I should probably look for a smaller mask. I love nothing more than watching him grow and overcome his fears.